Longman Communication 3000

The Longman Communication 3000 is a list of the 3000 most frequent words in spoken and written English, covering 86% of the language. Mastering these words is essential for effective communication and comprehension in English. Explore the list with translations, pronunciations, and usage examples to enhance your skills.

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📌 Words with Translations and Pronunciations

Word Audio Transcription Translation
genuine [ ˈdʒɛnjʊɪn ]
get [ ɡɛt ]
giant [ ˈdʒaɪənt ]
gift [ ɡɪft ]
girl [ ɡərl ]
girlfriend [ ˈɡɜːlˌfrɛnd ]
give [ ɡɪv ]
glad [ ɡlad ]
glance [ ɡlæns ]
glass [ ɡlæs ]
global [ ˈɡləʊbəl ]
glove [ ɡlʌv ]
go [ ɡoʊ ]
goal [ ɡəʊl ]
god [ ɡɒd ]
gold [ ɡoʊld ]
golden [ ˈɡoʊldən ]
golf [ ɡɒlf ]
good [ ɡʊd ]
good morning [ ɡʊd ˈmɔːrnɪŋ ]
good night [ ɡʊd naɪt ]
goodbye [ ˌɡʊdˈbaɪ ]
goodness [ ˈɡʊdnəs ]
goods [ ɡʊdz ]
gorgeous [ ˈɡɔːrdʒəs ]
gosh [ ɡɒʃ ]
govern [ ˈɡʌvən ]
government [ ˈɡʌvərn.mənt ]
governor [ ˈɡʌvənər ]
grab [ ɡræb ]
grade [ ɡreɪd ]
gradually [ ˈɡradʒuəli ]
gram [ ɡram ]
grammar [ ˈɡramər ]
grand [ ɡrand ]
grandad [ ˈɡrandad ]
grandfather [ ˈɡrændˌfɑːðər ]
grandma [ ˈɡræn(d)mɑː ]
grandmother [ ˈɡrændˌmʌðər ]
grandpa [ ˈɡrandˌpä ]
granny [ ˈɡræni ]
grant [ ɡrant ]
graph [ ɡræf ]
grass [ ɡræs ]
grateful [ ˈɡreɪtfʊl ]
great [ ɡreɪt ]
greatly [ ˈɡreɪtli ]
green [ ɡriːn ]
grey [ ɡreɪ ]
grocery [ ˈɡroʊsəri ]
gross [ ɡroʊs ]
ground [ ɡraʊnd ]
group [ ɡruːp ]
grow [ ɡroʊ ]
growth [ ɡrəʊθ ]
guarantee [ ˌɡær.ənˈtiː ]
guard [ ɡɑːrd ]
guess [ ɡes ]
guest [ ɡɛst ]
guidance [ ˈɡaɪdəns ]
guide [ ɡaɪd ]
guilty [ ˈɡɪl.ti ]
guitar [ ɡɪˈtɑːr ]
gun [ ɡʌn ]
guy [ ɡaɪ ]
habit [ ˈhæbɪt ]
hair [ her ]
half [ hɑːf ]
halfway [ ˌhɑːfˈweɪ ]
hall [ hɔːl ]
hand [ hænd ]
handbag [ ˈhændˌbæɡ ]
handle [ ˈhændl ]
handy [ ˈhændi ]
hang [ hæŋ ]
happen [ ˈhap(ə)n ]
happy [ ˈhæpi ]
hard [ hɑːd ]
hardly [ ˈhɑːrdli ]
harm [ hɑːm ]
hat [ hæt ]
hate [ heɪt ]
have [ hæv ]
he [ hiː ]
head [ hed ]
headquarters [ ˈhɛdˌkwɔrtərz ]
health [ helθ ]
healthy [ ˈhɛlθi ]
hear [ hɪər ]
hearing [ ˈhɪrɪŋ ]
heart [ hɑːrt ]
heat [ hiːt ]
heater [ ˈhiːtər ]
heating [ ˈhiːtɪŋ ]
heaven [ ˈhɛvən ]
heavily [ ˈhɛvɪli ]
heavy [ ˈhɛvi ]
height [ haɪt ]
hell [ hel ]
hello [ həˈləʊ ]