Common materials words in IELTS listening test

These words often appear in the IELTS Listening Test. Learning them will help you understand questions better.

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📌 Words with Translations and Pronunciations

Word Audio Transcription Translation
fur [ fɜːr ]
metal [ ˈmɛt(ə)l ]
steel [ stiːl ]
aluminum [ əˈluːmɪnəm ]
copper [ ˈkɒpər ]
rubber [ ˈrʌbər ]
plastic [ ˈplæs.tɪk ]
cement [ sɪˈmɛnt ]
stone [ stəʊn ]
textile [ ˈtɛkstaɪl ]
cotton [ ˈkɒtən ]
fabric [ ˈfæbrɪk ]
wool [ wʊl ]
leather [ ˈlɛðər ]
bone [ bəʊn ]
paper [ ˈpeɪpər ]
lumber [ ˈlʌmbər ]
glue [ ɡluː ]
composite [ ˈkɒmpəzɪt ]
concrete [ ˈkɒŋkriːt ]
wax [ wæks ]
wood [ wʊd ]
silver [ ˈsɪlvər ]
gold [ ɡoʊld ]
feather [ ˈfɛðər ]