Floated: meaning, definitions and examples

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[ floʊtɪd ]

Context #1

past action

Floated is the past tense of the verb 'float', which means to rest or move on or near the surface of a liquid without sinking. It can also refer to the act of being carried or displaced by water or air. The term is often used in contexts involving objects that are buoyant or in a state of suspension.


bobbed, drifted, hovered

Examples of usage

  • The boat floated gently down the river.
  • She floated on her back in the pool.
  • The paper lanterns floated away into the night sky.


Translations of the word "floated" in other languages:

🇵🇹 flutuado

🇮🇳 तैरता हुआ

🇩🇪 schwebte

🇮🇩 melayang

🇺🇦 плавало

🇵🇱 unosił się

🇯🇵 浮いていた

🇫🇷 flotté

🇪🇸 flotado

🇹🇷 yüzen

🇰🇷 떠있었다

🇸🇦 عائم

🇨🇿 plaval

🇸🇰 plával

🇨🇳 漂浮

🇸🇮 plavajoč

🇮🇸 fljóta

🇰🇿 қалқып

🇬🇪 მიტაცებული

🇦🇿 yüzen

🇲🇽 flotado

Word origin

The word 'float' originates from Old English 'flotian', which means 'to float or to flow'. The root can also be traced back to Proto-Germanic '*flutōną', which signifies a similar meaning. Over time, the term evolved in usage, particularly as nautical technology progressed; it became essential in maritime contexts to describe objects, such as boats, that are buoyant on the water. The transition into modern English has seen the word branch out into various contexts, including figurative uses in literature and everyday speech, where it can describe anything that seems to be suspended or not grounded. The past participle 'floated' captures not just the physical act but also metaphorical meanings, often indicating a sense of lightness or carefree movement.