Hovered: meaning, definitions and examples

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[ ˈhʌvərd ]

Context #1

motion, position

The term 'hovered' refers to the action of remaining in one place in the air or being suspended over a particular area without moving to the ground or away. This word can describe a variety of situations, such as a bird in flight, a drone above a target, or even a person who is indecisive about making a choice. The action often conveys a sense of instability or an inability to settle down in a particular position or decision. In a more abstract sense, it can also refer to lingering in someone's thoughts or presence.


floated, glided, levitated, winged

Examples of usage

  • The drone hovered above the field.
  • A hummingbird hovered near the flowers.
  • She hovered in the doorway, unsure whether to enter.
  • The cursor hovered over the link on the screen.


Translations of the word "hovered" in other languages:

🇵🇹 pairado

🇮🇳 हैंगिंग

🇩🇪 schwebend

🇮🇩 melayang

🇺🇦 наведений

🇵🇱 unosić

🇯🇵 ホバー

🇫🇷 survolé

🇪🇸 flotante

🇹🇷 yüzen

🇰🇷 호버링

🇸🇦 معلق

🇨🇿 vznášející se

🇸🇰 vznášajúci

🇨🇳 悬停

🇸🇮 lebdeč

🇮🇸 svífa

🇰🇿 қалықтап

🇬🇪 მოუფრინავს

🇦🇿 süzüb

🇲🇽 flotante

Word origin

The word 'hover' traces its origins to the late Middle English 'hoveren,' which is derived from the Old French 'uver,' meaning to move back and forth, and the Middle Dutch 'huveren.' Initially, it was used in the context of physical movement, specifically applied to the actions of birds and floating objects. The concept of hovering was prevalent in descriptions of flight before evolving into the more abstract uses we see today, including digital contexts such as computer interfaces where a cursor hovers over an icon. As technology progressed, so did the use of the term, adapting to articulate the characteristics of various technologies like drones and virtual reality applications. 'Hovered' as a past tense has been consistently used since the 16th century, gaining specific semantic nuances over time.