Recommencing: meaning, definitions and examples

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[ ˌrekəˈmɛnʃɪŋ ]

Context #1

starting again

Recommencing refers to the act of beginning something again after it has been paused or stopped. This term is often used in professional or academic contexts when activities, projects, or discussions are resumed. It indicates a return to the previous state of action, allowing for continuation or further development. Commonly associated with meetings or processes, recommencing can denote a formal or structured restart.


restarting, resuming, starting over

Examples of usage

  • The meeting will be recommencing after a short break.
  • We are recommencing the project next week.
  • The tournament is recommencing after the rain delay.


Translations of the word "recommencing" in other languages:

🇵🇹 recomeçando

🇮🇳 फिर से शुरू करना

🇩🇪 erneut beginnen

🇮🇩 memulai kembali

🇺🇦 відновлення

🇵🇱 ponowne rozpoczęcie

🇯🇵 再開する

🇫🇷 recommencer

🇪🇸 reanudar

🇹🇷 yeniden başlatmak

🇰🇷 재개하다

🇸🇦 إعادة البدء

🇨🇿 znovu začít

🇸🇰 znovu začať

🇨🇳 重新开始

🇸🇮 ponovno začeti

🇮🇸 endurnýta

🇰🇿 қайта бастау

🇬🇪 მחדשება

🇦🇿 təkrar başlamaq

🇲🇽 reanudar

Word origin

The word 'recommencing' is derived from the combination of the prefix 're-' and the verb 'commence', which originates from the Latin 'cominitiare'. The prefix ‘re-’ indicates repetition, while 'commence' means to start or begin. Over time, the word has evolved through different forms in the English language, reflecting various uses in academic, legal, and everyday contexts. The 19th century saw increased use of 'recommence' as more structured activities and organizations took shape, necessitating a clear language to describe the resumption of actions after breaks or interruptions. Today, 'recommencing' is widely used in both formal and informal settings, especially in terms of scheduling and procedural descriptions.