Resuming: meaning, definitions and examples

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[ rɪˈzjuː.mɪŋ ]

Context #1

continuing action

Resuming means to begin something again after a pause or interruption. It is commonly used in various contexts where an action, event, or process is restarted after having been temporarily halted. The action of resuming indicates a return to a previous state or activity, which can apply to meetings, classes, activities, or even personal tasks. For instance, one might resume a conversation that was interrupted or resume a project after taking a break.


continuing, recommencing, renewing, restarting

Examples of usage

  • We will resume the meeting after lunch.
  • She paused her presentation but resumed it shortly after.
  • Please resume reading where you left off.
  • The show will resume next week.


Translations of the word "resuming" in other languages:

🇵🇹 retomando

🇮🇳 फिर शुरू करना

🇩🇪 fortsetzen

🇮🇩 melanjutkan

🇺🇦 продовжуючи

🇵🇱 wznawiając

🇯🇵 再開する

🇫🇷 reprendre

🇪🇸 reanudar

🇹🇷 devam etmek

🇰🇷 재개하다

🇸🇦 استئناف

🇨🇿 pokračování

🇸🇰 pokračovanie

🇨🇳 恢复

🇸🇮 ponovno začeti

🇮🇸 halda áfram

🇰🇿 жаңартуға

🇬🇪 აღდგენა

🇦🇿 bərpa etmək

🇲🇽 reanudar

Word origin

The word 'resume' is derived from the Latin word 'resumere', which means 'to take back' or 'to seize again'. This Latin term is composed of 're-' meaning 'again' and 'sumere' meaning 'to take'. The usage of 'resume' in English dates back to the late 14th century, initially appearing in the sense of taking back something that was lost. Over time, its meaning evolved to encompass the idea of continuing or beginning again after a pause. By the 17th century, it became more commonly associated with the continuation of an activity or process. In modern usage, the term is frequently employed in various professional and casual contexts, such as resuming work, conversations, or even classes after a break. The transition in meaning reflects the dynamic nature of language and the various contexts in which words adapt and evolve.