Transcending: meaning, definitions and examples

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[trænˈsɛndɪŋ ]


Context #1 | Verb

overcoming limits

To transcend means to go beyond the limits or boundaries of something. It often refers to surpassing a notion, experience, or state of existence. The term can be applied in various contexts such as personal growth, spirituality, and art. Transcending implies rising above and achieving a higher level or state, often associated with enlightenment or deeper understanding.


exceed, overcome, rise above, surpass.

Examples of usage

  • She strives to transcend her previous achievements.
  • The artist's work transcends traditional forms.
  • Meditation practices are often aimed at transcending the ego.

Interesting Facts


  • The word comes from the Latin 'transcendere' which means 'to climb over or beyond'.
  • In Latin, 'trans' means 'across' or 'beyond', and 'scandere' means 'to climb'.
  • The term gained prominence in philosophical discussions in the 18th century.


  • Transcendence often refers to experiences that go beyond normal physical limits, such as enlightenment or spiritual awakening.
  • Philosophers like Immanuel Kant discussed the concept of transcendental ideas, which help us understand our existence beyond sensory experience.
  • Transcendence plays a key role in existentialist and phenomenological thought, emphasizing the importance of individual experience.


  • Many religions speak of transcending earthly desires to reach a divine or spiritual state.
  • In Buddhism, achieving enlightenment is seen as a form of transcending the cycle of suffering.
  • Sufi mysticism emphasizes the importance of transcending the self to achieve unity with the divine.

Art and Culture

  • Transcending traditional boundaries has led to innovative art forms, such as abstract and conceptual art.
  • In music, artists who blend genres often create transcendent experiences for listeners, reaching beyond conventional limits.
  • Literature often explores themes of transcendence, encouraging readers to think beyond surface-level interpretations.


  • In psychology, transcending refers to the ability to move beyond personal limitations, often through growth or therapy.
  • The theory of transcendental numbers in mathematics describes numbers that aren't roots of any non-zero polynomial equation with rational coefficients.
  • Quantum physics often explores concepts that transcend classical understanding, challenging our perceptions of reality.


Word Frequency Rank

With rank #19,597, this word belongs to specialized vocabulary. While not common in everyday speech, it enriches your ability to express complex ideas.