Hustled: meaning, definitions and examples

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[ ˈhəstəld ]

Context #1

work hard

To hustle means to work energetically and creatively to achieve something, often in a competitive or fast-paced environment. It can also imply being resourceful or taking bold actions to get things done.


bustle, labor, strive, struggle

Examples of usage

  • She hustled to finish her project before the deadline.
  • They have been hustling to find new clients for their startup.
  • He hustled through the crowded streets to catch the bus.
  • The team hustled during the last quarter to win the game.
Context #2


In another context, 'hustle' can refer to conning or tricking someone, particularly in a way that involves deceitful or fraudulent behavior.


cheat, con, defraud, swindle

Examples of usage

  • He hustled the tourists by charging them double for a taxi ride.
  • They were hustled out of their money in a scam.
  • Don't let anyone hustle you into making a bad deal.
  • She was hustled by the street performer who pretended to be a magician.


Translations of the word "hustled" in other languages:

🇵🇹 agitado

🇮🇳 धक्का-मुक्की की

🇩🇪 gehetzt

🇮🇩 tergesa-gesa

🇺🇦 метушився

🇵🇱 zabiegany

🇯🇵 急いだ

🇫🇷 s'affairer

🇪🇸 apresurado

🇹🇷 acele etmek

🇰🇷 서두른

🇸🇦 مُتعجّل

🇨🇿 zaneprázdněný

🇸🇰 zaneprázdnený

🇨🇳 匆忙

🇸🇮 hiter

🇮🇸 áhyggjufullur

🇰🇿 жанталасу

🇬🇪 ჩქარა

🇦🇿 tələsik

🇲🇽 apresurado

Word origin

The word 'hustle' originated in the mid-19th century, derived from the Dutch word 'husselen', meaning to shake or toss about. Its early usages were primarily associated with physical activity and movement, reflecting a sense of urgency and busyness. Over time, the meaning evolved to encompass a broader range of activities characterized by hard work and determination, often in the context of making money or achieving goals. The negative connotation related to deceit emerged in the early 20th century, as the term began to be used in reference to swindling and trickery, especially in urban settings. The dual meanings of the term exemplify the hustle and bustle of modern life, where hard work and street smart tactics often coexist.