Demanded: meaning, definitions and examples

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[ dɪˈmændɪd ]

Context #1

strong request

The term 'demanded' is the past tense of the verb 'demand.' It refers to the act of asking for something forcefully or urgently. When someone demands something, they expect it to be provided without delay or negotiation. This word often implies authority or necessity behind the request, indicating that the speaker believes they have a right to what they are asking for.


insisted, requested, requested, required

Examples of usage

  • The boss demanded the report by noon.
  • She demanded an explanation for his behavior.
  • He demanded to speak with a manager.
  • They demanded justice for the victims.


Translations of the word "demanded" in other languages:

🇵🇹 exigiu

🇮🇳 मांग की

🇩🇪 forderte

🇮🇩 menuntut

🇺🇦 вимагав

🇵🇱 żądał

🇯🇵 要求した

🇫🇷 demandé

🇪🇸 exigió

🇹🇷 talep etti

🇰🇷 요구했다

🇸🇦 طالَبَ

🇨🇿 požadoval

🇸🇰 požadoval

🇨🇳 要求了

🇸🇮 zahteval

🇮🇸 krafði

🇰🇿 талап етті

🇬🇪 მოწვდინა

🇦🇿 tələb etdi

🇲🇽 exigió

Word origin

The word 'demand' originates from the Old French term 'demander,' which means 'to ask or inquire.' This term can be traced back to the Latin 'demandare,' meaning 'to entrust' or 'to entrust with a request.' The root of 'demandare' comes from 'de-' (meaning 'down' or 'from') and 'mandare' (meaning 'to order' or 'to command'). Over time, the use of the word evolved in English to convey a stronger sense of urgency and authority in requests. The evolution reflects cultural shifts in power dynamics, where assertiveness became more valued in personal and professional interactions. Today, 'demanded' carries a connotation of expectation, often used in contexts where individuals assert their rights or needs.