Buried: meaning, definitions and examples

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[ ˈbɛr.id ]

Context #1

past tense

Buried is the past tense of the verb 'bury', which means to place someone or something in a grave or to hide something underground. It can also refer to being covered up or concealed by another substance. The action usually implies a level of permanence or depth.


covered, entombed, hidden, interred

Examples of usage

  • He buried the treasure in the garden.
  • They buried her ashes at sea.
  • The dog buried its bone in the backyard.
  • The ancient civilization was buried beneath layers of earth.
  • She felt buried under the weight of her responsibilities.


Translations of the word "buried" in other languages:

🇵🇹 enterrado

🇮🇳 दफनाया हुआ

🇩🇪 begraben

🇮🇩 terkubur

🇺🇦 похований

🇵🇱 pochowany

🇯🇵 埋まった

🇫🇷 enterré

🇪🇸 enterrado

🇹🇷 gömülü

🇰🇷 묻힌

🇸🇦 مدفون

🇨🇿 pohřbený

🇸🇰 pochovaný

🇨🇳 埋葬的

🇸🇮 pokopan

🇮🇸 grafinn

🇰🇿 жерленген

🇬🇪 მინიჭებული

🇦🇿 dəfn edilmiş

🇲🇽 enterrado

Word origin

The word 'buried' comes from the Old English 'byrgan' which means 'to bury, to cover'. This evolved into the Middle English 'burien', which reflects the same meaning of placing something underground or hiding it from sight. Historically, the act of burying has significant cultural implications, often associated with funerary practices, where the dead are interred in graves as a mark of respect or for spiritual reasons. The notion of 'burying' can extend beyond literal interpretations, encompassing ideas of concealment, either in physical contexts (like hiding objects) or metaphorical contexts (such as burying one's feelings). Its usage has remained consistent throughout history, underscoring humanity’s relationship with death, memory, and privacy.