Transmitted: meaning, definitions and examples

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[ trænˈsmɪtəd ]

Context #1

communication process

Transmitted refers to the act of sending or conveying something from one place to another. It is commonly used in the context of sending information, signals, or diseases. For example, data can be transmitted over the internet, or a virus can be transmitted from one host to another.


communicated, conveyed, dispatched, sent

Examples of usage

  • The radio waves transmitted the signal.
  • The scientist transmitted the findings of the study to the journal.
  • The infection was transmitted through close contact.


Translations of the word "transmitted" in other languages:

🇵🇹 transmitido

🇮🇳 संप्रेषित

🇩🇪 übertragen

🇮🇩 ditransmisikan

🇺🇦 переданий

🇵🇱 przesyłany

🇯🇵 送信された

🇫🇷 transmis

🇪🇸 transmitido

🇹🇷 iletim

🇰🇷 전송된

🇸🇦 تم الإرسال

🇨🇿 předaný

🇸🇰 prenášaný

🇨🇳 传输的

🇸🇮 poslan

🇮🇸 sending

🇰🇿 жіберілген

🇬🇪 გადაცემული

🇦🇿 ötürülmüş

🇲🇽 transmitido

Word origin

The word 'transmitted' is derived from the Latin root 'transmittere', which comprises 'trans-' meaning 'across' and 'mittere' meaning 'to send'. This term made its way into Old French before entering the English language in the 15th century. The fundamental idea behind the term involves the process of sending something across a distance, whether it be information, signals, or illnesses. Its usage has evolved over time, expanding from physical forms of transmission to include modern technological contexts, such as digital communications and medical terminology.