Reconvened: meaning, definitions and examples

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[ riːkənˈviːnd ]

Context #1

formal meeting

Reconvened refers to the act of gathering or assembling again, particularly after a break or an interval. This term is often used in the context of meetings, sessions, or legislative bodies where members return to resume discussions or proceedings that were temporarily halted. The reconvening can happen after a short recess or after a longer adjournment. It indicates the continuation of formal business or dialogue that is essential for decision-making.


reassembled, reconvening, rejoined, resumed

Examples of usage

  • The committee reconvened after lunch to discuss the next agenda item.
  • After a brief recess, the court reconvened to hear further arguments.
  • The class reconvened in the afternoon for their final presentations.


Translations of the word "reconvened" in other languages:

🇵🇹 reconvocada

🇮🇳 फिर से बुलाया गया

🇩🇪 wieder einberufen

🇮🇩 dipanggil kembali

🇺🇦 знову скликаний

🇵🇱 ponownie zwołany

🇯🇵 再招集された

🇫🇷 réuni à nouveau

🇪🇸 reconvocado

🇹🇷 yeniden toplandı

🇰🇷 다시 소집된

🇸🇦 أعيد الاجتماع

🇨🇿 znovu svoláno

🇸🇰 opäť zvolané

🇨🇳 重新召集

🇸🇮 ponovno sklican

🇮🇸 aftur kallað saman

🇰🇿 қайта шақырылған

🇬🇪 მחדש შეკრებილი

🇦🇿 yenidən çağırılmış

🇲🇽 reconvocado

Word origin

The word 'reconvene' is formed from the prefix 're-', meaning 'again', and 'convene', which derives from the Latin 'convenire' meaning 'to come together'. The Latin 'con-' signifies together, while 'venire' translates as 'to come'. This term has been utilized in English since the early 19th century, originally in formal and legal contexts. Its usage has expanded over time to include various types of gatherings beyond just legal or parliamentary meetings. The concept emphasizes the importance of coming together to finalize discussions, make decisions, or continue previously started activities.