Reassembling: meaning, definitions and examples

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[ riːəˈsɛmblɪŋ ]

Context #1

restoration process

Reassembling refers to the act of putting something back together after it has been taken apart. This process can be applied to various contexts such as machines, articles, or even ideas. Effective reassembling requires attention to detail and often a clear understanding of the original structure. It may involve sorting pieces, following instructions, and ensuring everything fits correctly. In some cases, reassembling can also involve improving upon the original design.


putting together, rebuilding, reconstructing, restoring

Examples of usage

  • After cleaning the old engine, he began reassembling it.
  • The team was tasked with reassembling the puzzle pieces.
  • She enjoyed reassembling the furniture after moving.
  • He is skilled at reassembling intricate models.


Translations of the word "reassembling" in other languages:

🇵🇹 reassemblagem

🇮🇳 फिर से जोड़ना

🇩🇪 Wiederzusammenbau

🇮🇩 perakitan kembali

🇺🇦 перезапуск

🇵🇱 ponowne złożenie

🇯🇵 再組立て

🇫🇷 réassemblage

🇪🇸 reensamblaje

🇹🇷 yeniden montaj

🇰🇷 재조립

🇸🇦 إعادة التجميع

🇨🇿 znovu sestavení

🇸🇰 opätovné zloženie

🇨🇳 重新组装

🇸🇮 ponovno sestavljanje

🇮🇸 aftur saman

🇰🇿 қайта жинау

🇬🇪 მორიგება

🇦🇿 yenidən yığma

🇲🇽 reensamblaje

Word origin

The word 'reassemble' is derived from the prefix 're-' which means again or back, combined with the root word 'assemble', originating from the Latin 'assimulare', which means to bring together, unite, or fit. The process of assembling dates back to the middle ages, as the need to put together various components and structures became increasingly important with the development of technology and architecture. The prefix 're-' was adopted into English during the Norman Conquest, leading to its current form in modern usage. Over time, 'reassembling' has evolved to encompass not just physical reconstruction but also metaphorical applications, including the reassembly of ideas or thoughts. This flexible usage reflects the dynamic nature of language as it adapts to contemporary contexts.