Quickened: meaning, definitions and examples

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[ ˈkwɪk(ə)nd ]

Context #1

increased speed

Quickened refers to the action of making something move faster or happen sooner. It can also refer to the process of causing something to happen earlier than expected.


accelerated, hastened, instigated, sped up

Examples of usage

  • She quickened her pace to catch the bus.
  • The team quickened the project timeline to meet the deadline.
  • His heartbeat quickened with excitement.
  • The news report quickened the public's response to the crisis.


Translations of the word "quickened" in other languages:

🇵🇹 acelerado

🇮🇳 तेज़ किया हुआ

🇩🇪 beschleunigt

🇮🇩 dipercepat

🇺🇦 прискорений

🇵🇱 przyspieszony

🇯🇵 速められた

🇫🇷 accéléré

🇪🇸 acelerado

🇹🇷 hızlandırılmış

🇰🇷 빠르게 된

🇸🇦 مسرع

🇨🇿 urychlený

🇸🇰 urychlený

🇨🇳 加速的

🇸🇮 pospešeno

🇮🇸 flýtt

🇰🇿 жылдамдатылған

🇬🇪 მოჩქარებული

🇦🇿 sürətləndirilmiş

🇲🇽 acelerado

Word origin

The word 'quickened' is derived from the Old English 'cwic,' meaning 'living, alive, or animated.' It has evolved to encompass various meanings associated with swiftness and vitality. In Middle English, the term took on the form 'quiken,' which referred to the act of making something lively or to give life to. By the late Middle Ages, the verb 'quickened' was commonly used to denote not just increased speed but also the sense of stimulating or bringing something into being. Its usage has broadened over the years, and today it captures both the physical sense of hastening and the metaphorical sense of enhancing or intensifying experiences.