Pummelo: meaning, definitions and examples
[ ˈpʌməloʊ ]
fruit type
The pummelo is a large citrus fruit, similar to a grapefruit, known for its thick rind and sweet, tangy flesh. It is native to Southeast Asia and is often used in salads, desserts, and juices. The size can vary significantly, often measuring up to a foot in diameter.
citrus maxima, shaddock.
Examples of usage
- I made a refreshing salad with diced pummelo and shrimp.
- Pummelo juice is a popular drink in many Asian countries.
- She brought a pummelo to the picnic to share with everyone.
- The pummelo's flavor is sweeter than that of a grapefruit.
The word 'pummelo' derives from the Dutch term 'pompelmoes', which in turn comes from the French 'pamplemousse'. The fruit, scientifically referred to as 'Citrus maxima' or 'Citrus grandis', is believed to have originated in Southeast Asia. It has been cultivated for centuries and played an important role in the local diets of many cultures. The name evolved through various languages, reflecting the fruit's journey from its indigenous regions to global recognition. Pummelos were introduced to the West during the 17th century and have since become popular in various culinary traditions around the world. Their distinct taste and large, round shape have made them a favorite among fruit enthusiasts.
Word Frequency Rank
At position #41,616, this word is among the less frequently used terms in English. While interesting to know, it's not crucial for most English learners unless needed for specific purposes.
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