Neatened: meaning, definitions and examples

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[ ˈniːtənd ]

Context #1

making tidy

Neatened is the past tense of the verb 'neaten', which means to make something tidy or orderly. This action often involves organizing items, cleaning up a space, or smoothing out wrinkles in clothing. Neatening can refer to both physical spaces, such as rooms or desks, and to appearances, like hair or clothes. The act of neatening implies a transformation from disorder to order, evoking a sense of cleanliness and arrangement.


arranged, cleaned, organized, tidied

Examples of usage

  • She neatened the living room before guests arrived.
  • After the kids played, he neatened the toys.
  • He always neatened his workspace at the end of the day.


Translations of the word "neatened" in other languages:

🇵🇹 organizado

🇮🇳 साफ़ किया हुआ

🇩🇪 ordentlich gemacht

🇮🇩 rapi

🇺🇦 прибраний

🇵🇱 uporządkowany

🇯🇵 整頓された

🇫🇷 rangé

🇪🇸 ordenado

🇹🇷 düzenlenmiş

🇰🇷 정돈된

🇸🇦 مرتب

🇨🇿 uspořádaný

🇸🇰 upravený

🇨🇳 整理过的

🇸🇮 urejen

🇮🇸 skipulögð

🇰🇿 реттелген

🇬🇪 შეკრული

🇦🇿 düzenlənmiş

🇲🇽 ordenado

Word origin

The term 'neatened' derives from the verb 'neaten', which first appeared in the English language in the late 18th century. It is formed by adding the suffix '-ed' to 'neat', which originates from the Middle English word 'nete', meaning 'clean’ or 'orderly'. The concept of neatness has been valued throughout history, often associated with personal grooming and the organization of one's environment. As societies progressed, the importance of maintaining a neat and presentable appearance became ingrained in cultural norms. Over time, the word evolved to encompass not only the action of making things tidy but also a general appreciation for aesthetics and orderliness in one's surroundings.