Lasted: meaning, definitions and examples

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[ læs.tɪd ]

Context #1

duration of time

The word 'lasted' is the past tense of the verb 'last'. It refers to the duration something endured or continued over a period of time. This can apply to many scenarios such as the lifespan of an event, item, or emotion. For example, one might say that a concert lasted for two hours. It often implies that something held out against potential end or change.


continued, endured, persisted

Examples of usage

  • The meeting lasted for three hours.
  • The storm lasted through the night.
  • Their friendship lasted for decades.


Translations of the word "lasted" in other languages:

🇵🇹 durou

🇮🇳 चला

🇩🇪 gedauert

🇮🇩 bertahan

🇺🇦 тривав

🇵🇱 trwał

🇯🇵 続いた

🇫🇷 duré

🇪🇸 duró

🇹🇷 sürdü

🇰🇷 지속되었다

🇸🇦 استمر

🇨🇿 trval

🇸🇰 trval

🇨🇳 持续

🇸🇮 trajalo

🇮🇸 stóð

🇰🇿 созылды

🇬🇪 გრძელდებოდა

🇦🇿 davam etdi

🇲🇽 duró

Word origin

The word 'last' comes from the Old English 'lastan', which meant 'to endure, remain, or continue.' It is derived from Proto-Germanic '*laistwōną', which is related to similar forms in other Germanic languages. Over time, 'last' evolved to emphasize the idea of time duration, leading to the formation of its past tense, 'lasted'. The transition from Old English to Middle English saw enhancements in pronunciation and spelling, eventually culminating in the Modern English form we use today. The concept embodied in 'last' has always conveyed the importance of endurance or continuation in various contexts, emphasizing how moments, objects, or experiences can persist through time.