Introduced: meaning, definitions and examples

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[ ɪnˈtruːdʒd ]

Context #1

present tense

Introduced is the past tense and past participle of the verb introduce. It means to make someone known to another person or to bring something into use for the first time. This can refer to introducing a person to a group, presenting a new idea, or launching a new product.


announced, brought forward, presented

Examples of usage

  • She introduced her friend to the group.
  • The scientist introduced a new theory in her paper.
  • The manager introduced a new policy at work.
Context #2

past tense

As the past form of introduce, 'introduced' signifies that the action of making someone known or presenting something occurred in the past. It often implies a sense of formality or intention.


established, initiated, inserted

Examples of usage

  • He introduced the guest speaker at the conference.
  • They introduced changes to the curriculum last year.
  • I was introduced to the concept during my studies.

Word origin

The word 'introduce' comes from the Latin 'introducere', which means to lead in or bring in. It is composed of two parts: 'intro-', meaning 'inward', and 'ducere', meaning 'to lead'. The earliest usage of the term in English can be traced back to the 15th century. Its meaning has evolved, but it has retained the core idea of bringing someone or something into a situation or context. The simple past and past participle 'introduced' maintain this meaning, signifying that the action of introducing has already taken place. The practice of introducing speakers, ideas, or innovations is critical in social, academic, and professional environments, helping facilitate communication and understanding among people.