Expedited: meaning, definitions and examples

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[ ɛkˈspɪdəˌteɪd ]

Context #1

process management

To expedite something means to speed up the process or make it happen faster. This term is often used in business and logistics contexts, where timely delivery or completion of tasks is crucial. By expediting a project or procedure, one aims to reduce delays and ensure that objectives are met promptly. The term can also refer to the act of facilitating a process by removing obstacles and streamlining workflows.


accelerate, facilitate, hasten, speed up

Examples of usage

  • We need to expedite the shipment to meet the customer’s deadline.
  • The manager decided to expedite the approval process for the new project.
  • They expedited the hiring process to fill the position quickly.


Translations of the word "expedited" in other languages:

🇵🇹 acelerado

🇮🇳 त्वरित

🇩🇪 beschleunigt

🇮🇩 dipercepat

🇺🇦 прискорений

🇵🇱 przyspieszony

🇯🇵 迅速な

🇫🇷 accéléré

🇪🇸 acelerado

🇹🇷 hızlandırılmış

🇰🇷 신속한

🇸🇦 مُعَجَّل

🇨🇿 urychlený

🇸🇰 urychlený

🇨🇳 加快的

🇸🇮 pospešen

🇮🇸 fljótur

🇰🇿 жедел

🇬🇪 ჩქარად

🇦🇿 tezləşdirilmiş

🇲🇽 acelerado

Word origin

The word 'expedite' comes from the Latin word 'expeditus', which means 'unimpeded' or 'free'. The root word, 'ped', relates to 'foot', implying movement or progress. Over time, it evolved into the word 'expedite' in English, maintaining the essence of promoting speed and efficiency in various processes. Historically, the term has been used in legal, business, and logistical contexts to describe the act of making something happen more quickly and efficiently. The meaning has remained largely consistent, emphasizing the importance of timeliness in numerous fields, as contributors to modern society continuously seek ways to optimize performance and reduce delays.