Disseminated: meaning, definitions and examples

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[ dɪˈsɛmɪneɪtɪd ]

Context #1

information spread

Disseminated refers to the act of spreading something, especially information, widely. It often implies a systematic process of distribution to reach a large audience or population. In the context of public health or education, disseminated information is crucial for raising awareness and educating people on important issues. The term can also apply to the spread of scientific research findings or technological innovations.


broadcast, circulate, distribute, propagate, spread

Examples of usage

  • The research findings were disseminated to the public.
  • Educational materials were disseminated among teachers.
  • New health guidelines were disseminated through various media channels.


Translations of the word "disseminated" in other languages:

🇵🇹 disseminado

🇮🇳 प्रसारित

🇩🇪 verbreitet

🇮🇩 diseminasi

🇺🇦 дисемінований

🇵🇱 rozpowszechniony

🇯🇵 普及された

🇫🇷 disséminé

🇪🇸 diseminado

🇹🇷 dağıtılmış

🇰🇷 퍼진

🇸🇦 موزع

🇨🇿 rozšířený

🇸🇰 diseminovaný

🇨🇳 传播的

🇸🇮 razširjen

🇮🇸 dreift

🇰🇿 таратылған

🇬🇪 გავრცელებული

🇦🇿 yayılmış

🇲🇽 diseminado

Word origin

The word 'disseminate' comes from the Latin verb 'disseminare', which is a combination of 'dis-', meaning 'widely', and 'seminare', meaning 'to sow'. Initially used in agriculture, it referred to the act of sowing seeds over a wide area to ensure growth. Over time, the term evolved to encompass broader meanings related to the spreading of ideas and information. By the late 16th century, 'disseminate' had found its place in English as a more metaphorical term, particularly relevant in academic and scientific contexts where the distribution of knowledge and research became vital. The concept surrounds the idea of taking something that can be particularly niche or localized and making it accessible to a wider audience, thereby fostering greater understanding and engagement across various fields.