Depleted: meaning, definitions and examples

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[ dɪˈpliːtɪd ]

Context #1

state of resources

The term 'depleted' refers to something that has been reduced in quantity, quality, or effectiveness. It is often used in relation to natural resources, energy supplies, or even mental and physical energy. When resources are depleted, they become significantly lower than the normal level, which can lead to various consequences such as scarcity or exhaustion. The word is commonly used in environmental discussions, particularly in relation to the depletion of fossil fuels or water supplies.


drained, empty, exhausted, reduced, spent

Examples of usage

  • The lake has been depleted due to prolonged drought.
  • Depleted uranium is used in military applications.
  • After hours of work, I felt completely depleted.
  • The forest has become depleted from overlogging.


Translations of the word "depleted" in other languages:

🇵🇹 esgotado

🇮🇳 खत्म

🇩🇪 erschöpft

🇮🇩 habis

🇺🇦 вичерпаний

🇵🇱 wyczerpany

🇯🇵 枯渇した

🇫🇷 épuisé

🇪🇸 agotado

🇹🇷 tükenmiş

🇰🇷 고갈된

🇸🇦 مستنفد

🇨🇿 vyčerpaný

🇸🇰 vyčerpaný

🇨🇳 枯竭的

🇸🇮 izčrpan

🇮🇸 töpuð

🇰🇿 таусылған

🇬🇪 გაამწვდილი

🇦🇿 tükənmiş

🇲🇽 agotado

Word origin

The word 'depleted' comes from the verb 'deplete', which originates from the Latin word 'deplere', meaning 'to empty out.' This is a combination of 'de-', meaning 'down from' or 'away from', and 'plere', meaning 'to fill'. The term has evolved over time and became part of the English vocabulary during the late 19th century. Its usage expanded with increasing awareness of environmental issues and resource management. In contemporary discourse, 'depleted' is frequently used to describe the state of natural resources and is often associated with discussions about sustainability and conservation.