Attained: meaning, definitions and examples

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[ əˈteɪnd ]

Context #1

achieving goals

The term 'attained' refers to the act of reaching or achieving a particular goal, state, or condition. It is often used to describe the successful completion of an objective or desire, typically through effort or progress over time. For instance, one might attain a degree after years of study or attain a level of fitness through dedication to exercise and nutrition. The usage conveys a sense of accomplishment and realization of aspirations.


achieved, acquired, gained, reached, secured

Examples of usage

  • She attained her dream of becoming a doctor.
  • He finally attained his goal after years of hard work.
  • They have attained a significant milestone in their project.
  • The athlete attained records that were previously thought impossible.


Translations of the word "attained" in other languages:

🇵🇹 alcançado

🇮🇳 प्राप्त

🇩🇪 erreicht

🇮🇩 dicapai

🇺🇦 досягнутий

🇵🇱 osiągnięty

🇯🇵 達成された

🇫🇷 atteint

🇪🇸 alcanzado

🇹🇷 ulaşılmış

🇰🇷 달성된

🇸🇦 تم الوصول إليه

🇨🇿 dosáhnutý

🇸🇰 dosiahnutý

🇨🇳 达到的

🇸🇮 dosežen

🇮🇸 náð

🇰🇿 жеткізілген

🇬🇪 მიღებული

🇦🇿 çatdırılmış

🇲🇽 alcanzado

Word origin

The word 'attained' originates from the Middle English 'ataine', which is derived from the Old French 'ateindre' (to reach, attain), itself stemming from the Latin 'attingere', composed of 'ad-' (to) and 'tangere' (to touch). The concept of attaining something has been significant in various cultures, reflecting the human pursuit of goals and desires. Over time, the word has maintained its core meaning, evolving in usage but remaining focused on fulfillment and achievement. The suffix '-ed' indicates the past participle form, showing that the action has been completed. Attained is commonly used in both formal and everyday contexts, emphasizing the effort and success associated with reaching personal or professional milestones.