Antiperspirant: meaning, definitions and examples

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[ˌæntiˈpɜːrspɪrənt ]


Context #1 | Noun

personal care

Antiperspirant is a substance applied to the skin to reduce perspiration. It works by blocking the sweat glands, preventing sweat from reaching the skin surface. Commonly used in the underarm area, antiperspirants often contain aluminum-based compounds.


deodorant, sweat blocker.

Examples of usage

  • I apply antiperspirant every morning before work.
  • She prefers using a natural antiperspirant without aluminum.
  • Antiperspirants can help control body odor during hot weather.

Interesting Facts


  • The word comes from the prefix 'anti-' meaning 'against,' and 'perspirant' derived from the Latin word 'perspirare,' meaning 'to breathe through.'
  • The term 'antiperspirant' officially appeared in the early 20th century, closely linking it to advancements in personal hygiene.


  • Antiperspirants typically contain aluminum compounds that temporarily block sweat glands to reduce perspiration.
  • Studies suggest that using antiperspirants can help reduce the risk of skin irritation caused by excessive sweating.

Cultural Significance

  • In many cultures, personal scent and dryness are associated with cleanliness and social acceptance, making antiperspirants a staple in grooming routines.
  • Advertising for antiperspirants often emphasizes confidence and attractiveness, showing how strongly body image is tied to these products.


  • Some people are sensitive to the ingredients in antiperspirants, leading to skin irritations or allergic reactions.
  • Certain antiperspirants are designed for individuals with hyperhidrosis, a condition where sweating is excessive even in cool conditions.

Pop Culture

  • Movies and television often feature characters worrying about sweat as a plot device, showcasing the social pressure surrounding body odor.
  • In the advertisement world, the phrase 'Stay fresh!' has become synonymous with antiperspirants, linking freshness to attractiveness.